There is a recent theme regarding the enterprise that is JBB, one that involves countering our work through false means. Why is this? Because we reveal facts. We do not pretend or fabricate situations or facts but report the reality of a situation. We are not stalkers, nor are we racist. We are simply protecting the South Wales Valleys from con artists. In this recent example of countering the lies of a bogus charity/baby bank, we contacted Social Services for clarification on the nature of their relationship with “Jayne Price” and her ability to make referrals. We were quite specific in the information we included and are happy to publicly disclose the following email:
In a 2022 post, Miss Ridsdale posted the following on her Facebook profile:
Just got off the phone with social service and they have acknowledged we are registered with CCBC and they have asked us to make referrals for anyone in contact with ‘people’ who are not allowed around children unsupervised as a recognised established community group an aspiring charity going through the registration process. They have also acknowledged the amount of child protection and safeguarding training that I have received throughout my 30 year careers. If you are consorting with people who are known to injure a child emotionally, physically and sexually. We will send the information to the relevant agencies as we have a duty of care.
We also have confirmation from The CCBC that they do not support her, which can be read in our previous post here. We would also like to note that the Miscommunications Act works favourably towards any parties targeted by the bogus charity themselves. When you spread false information, expect to be met with a reaction. Con artists do not like being exposed; they do not like the truth to be revealed. When they cannot control a narrative, they offer a panicked reaction. What other agencies are we in contact with?