The proprietor of Jayne’s Baby Bank, “Jayne” Carrie-Ann Ridsdale, is quite an aggressive person. Any complaints from mothers are met with a barrage of abuse from her. We have collected numerous instances of questionable practices by this local business operating across South Wales.
Public Threats via Live Stream
What caused this reaction? A Facebook member and local community member had an issue with the upselling of sleepsuits, prompting Miss Ridsdale to threaten to visit the home of a rival charity out of grievance. JBB also had a case of mistaken identity and lashed out at an unsuspecting mother on Facebook. There are more problematic posts on Facebook from other food banks as well as other people in need.
To Charity Or Not To Charity (Question?)
A self-proclaimed food bank exclusively as of late, but it wasn’t always the case. If you review our previous post here regarding her misrepresentation of being a charity shop versus the reality of being a charity, you’ll see her play a game of word soup and mislead the public. Carrie-Ann contacted the Financial Conduct Authority regarding her use of a sensitive business name, in this case, “bank,” for approval. The FCA authorised her use of “Jayne’s Baby Bank,” but her public disclosure is that she is exempt from charity status, more so a legal waiver from registering. This is far from reality. We can see by viewing previous posts located here that she is well aware of what she is doing and even mocks people by stating, “I said I owned a charity shop! ” whilst still publicly denying that she is, in fact, running an unregistered and illegal charity shop. Least we forget this previous disclosure on her TikTok page:
when my Dad says I need to get a real job! I’m retired. director of one of the largest children’s charity’s in Wales and an influencer! 🤣
She is also characteristically brash, fully aware of the legal situation she is embedding herself in via TikTok once again (Source). We would also like to note that last year the Baby Bank stated they were a children’s charity pending approval and a family run charity.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Violations
The law is clear about sharing images of people without their permission. It is even more problematic when they are identified as thieves by anyone. For example, a Facebook album titled “Shoplifters and volunteers that steal, or use fraud & deception” reveals names and images of people. We have also included other instances of GDPR violations.
Fake Social Media Accounts
The Baby Bank uses fake social media profiles to post false information and conversations from Facebook Messenger against mothers who do not donate or who ask for freebies from the charity shop. It is evident that the bogus profile “David Jones” uses the same phone interface as Jayne in all of her Facebook shares and even has access to her Facebook profile conversations.
“Jayne Price” has a public feud with a gentleman from a rival charity, whom we will refer to as “Mr. Smith.” Mr. Smith (referenced as “Saville” by Miss Ridsdale) allegedly stole a metal sign worth £300, and there are questions surrounding a missing van, which she values at £10,000, for which she attempts to fundraise a replacement. The incident escalates when she reports him to the police (video) for various offenses after he turns up with his enhanced DBS background report, refuting her claims, including questioning Mr. Smith about sticking his finger up to her son. Her son, Daniel, is a 23-year-old man at the time of the report. You can read the police report here. The Baby Bank also claimed Mr. Smith was a pedophile, using newspaper articles from England as proof, despite the man being from Wales and the image of the offender looking nothing like Mr. Smith. She also attempted to have several of his vehicles removed without permission.
Questionable Health
Miss Ridsdale appears to be very ill, both mentally and physically. We have already disclosed her use of a disability vehicle for business purposes in our previous post here, but her physical health is declining. She reports suffering from the following: ovarian tumor, aplastic anemia, bone marrow cancer, diabetes, and pica disorder. She is also awaiting double knee surgery.
Volunteer Prerequisites
The day-to-day operations of the dubious charity would halt without the good-natured volunteers that inhabit JBB. While these workers have the utmost intent to help the local community and those in need, despite giving their time freely to the endeavor, there are imposed restrictions for newcomers. [Source]
Update 19/08/2024
In a recent live video, which can be found here, Miss Ridsdale refutes our earlier statement regarding her health, particularly her alleged bone marrow cancer. We did not make this claim lightly; in fact, our investigation was based on a publicly shared status update from 2022 (Check for yourself).
Having trouble managing the web of lies?
Update: During a live stream on 18th January 2025 (source), “Jayne” threatened to target other charities, claiming she does not answer to the council, the Charity Commission, or the police. A backup is provided below.